Our Team

Garry Seidl
Managing Director, Design Director, Shareholder
Garry is a qualified Fitter and Turner by trade which has enabled him to utilise his skills to pursue design and implementation of new and improved oyster farming methods and infrastructure. The dissatisfaction of the performance and longevity of then existing infrastructure was the reason leading to the establishment of Hexcyl Systems Pty Ltd in 2006 with two other key shareholder businesses.
Garry is heavily involved in product design and testing of all infrastructure components ensuring the products design is fit for purpose in the harsh marine environs where oyster farms are situated. As Managing Director Garry oversees both the product design and development as well as direction and growth of the company with the support of Company Directors.

Wendy Seidl
Accounts Manager, Shareholder
Wendy brings decades of book keeping experience in her role as Accounts and Administration manager. and is the first point of contact for Australian and Export orders.
Her role includes managing day to day order placement and invoicing including production, inventory, distribution and shipment of the Hexcyl range of products.
Wendy is also Owner/Partner West-Eyre Shellfish.

Andre Seidl
Director, Shareholder
Andre is a qualified diesel mechanic by trade and a very experienced hands on oyster farmer making him a valuable member of the Hexcyl design team. With a critical eye in identifying any shortcomings in design or performance, Andres contribution has led to the continuous improvement of the Hexcyl range of adjustable longline products.
Andres input ensures that Hexcyl products deliver the benefits and efficiencies of the adjustable longline oyster farming method as expected by today’s professional oyster farmers. Andy is also Owner/Partner West-Eyre Shellfish.

Ian Weber
Non Executive Director, Shareholder
Ian has been a company owner operator in the recycling industry with over thirty years experience. He has developed a number of start up MRF’s and Recycling operations including a Material Recovery Facility in the South East of SA. He processes material under the banner of SA’s Container Deposit legislation and has recently expanded with the establishment of four companies in Queensland under the banner of Container Exchange to recycle containers under their newly established Container Deposit Scheme. Ian was an oyster grower for ten years however is now focusing on the Recycling industry and has maintained a long association with Variety, the Childrens Charity as both a fundraiser and a Regional Grants Appeal Coordinator.

West-Eyre Shellfish
HEXCYL test site since 2006
Garry Seidl his brother Andre and sister in-law Wendy commenced their family owned oyster farming business in 1988 following the granting of a 10 hectare intertidal aquaculture lease near Ceduna. West-Eyre Shellfish has been operating for 30 years growing Pacific Oysters for whole live domestic and export markets as well as on-grown stock to resupply other farmers for continuing grow out. West-Eyre Shellfish now has 40 hectares in coastal waters south of Denial Bay and adjacent to St. Peter Island in the Nuyts Archipelago. West-Eyre Shellfish are regarded as one of the pioneering oyster farming businesses in South Australia and have been recognized as leaders in initiating and implementing research, development and adaptation of new and improved production methods and farming technologies for oyster aquaculture in this region

Quality Plastics and Tooling
Manufacturing Partner
Quality Plastics and Tooling is our manufacturing partner, a privately-owned, Australian company that started in 1988. They are ISO9001:2015 accredited and apply Quality Management Systems (QMS) throughout the site during the manufacturing process including materials, injection moulding, packaging and shipping.
The quality department undertakes regular internal audits during production and audits are undertaken by independent QMS consultants.
All international container shipments are loaded from this site in Wingfield, South Australia and transported 13km to the Shipping terrminal.

Steadfast Australia Pty Ltd
Steadfast is an Australian privately owned and operated contract logistics, warehousing & distribution company, proviiding high standards of service for local national & international businesses including Hexcyl Systems.
Located in Woodville North, South australia, Steadfast Australia store and arrange shipment of Hexcyl products to our customers within Australia.
They understand that we are in the “client-relationship” business, partnering with Hexcyl Systems to deliver a trustworthy, accountable range of benefits through dedicated staff to augment Hexcyl System’s core business.

Ian Pendergrast
Design Director, Innovact Consulting Pty Ltd
Ian is one of South Australia’s most skilled product development specialists with experience spanning three decades, multiple Design Awrds and multiple patents. His product design experience spans multiple industry sectors and export focussed design and R&D. Ian studied Industrial Design at the University of South Australia.

Paul Huxtable
Design led Business Strategist and Advisor
Paul is a Product Designer, Business developer and exporter with over 45 years global design and export experience spanning six continents. Educated in Product Design, Engineering and Marketing in the 1970’s. Paul’s creativity, inventiveness and business acumen has been recognized internationally via a long list of patents in diverse product categories as well as multiple Design, Business and Export Awards, Paul is a consistent voice for the collaborative power of Design as a major economic driver, focussing on the end user and the application of Design driven Business Strategies throughout the entire value chain to drive export growth.